This hard back book measures 250x297mm, has 286 pages, and contains over 600 images. It is not a history or a biography. It is a collection of my photographs from the Genesis line up of Tony Banks, Mike Rutherford, Phil Collins. It is arranged in chronological order and spans the tours and events I was at. It begins in 1978 with '...and then there were three...' and continues up to 1987 and 'Invisible Touch'. I have unearthed a few surprises along the way that even I had forgotten. Take a colourful and spectacular journey down Genesis memory lane with me and a few fans who have contributed their stories.
The price is £105 UK pounds plus shipping. We ship worldwide from the UK except to a few countries where imports are barred. You will be advised. The total price will be automatically converted to your local currency using the prevailing rate at the time of order. Import duties and taxes that may be levied by the destination territory are the responsibility of the recipient. We accept PayPal and all major debit and credit cards via a secured server. Each copy will be signed by the author. A dedication can be added if requested at the time of order. Full terms and conditions of this offer are given on the website and the exact closing date of the preorder and the publication day will be announced on social media and to all buyers nearer the time. Watch this space and follow Robert Ellis on Twitter and Facebook. The links are at the bottom of this page.